Photostick Mobile Unbiased Reviews MUST Read Before Buying

Is the Photostick Mobile the Best Choice for Phone and Tablet Secure Storage? Must Read Our Unbiased Review Before Buying.

One of the constant struggles of smartphone owners is the lack of space. It seems like we are always running out of storage space on our iPhones and Android because we need room for new apps, more photos, videos, and files. There is a constant stream of new content to see and download, and space is always at a premium for most smartphone users.

Photostick is a name you may recognize as a flash drive photo storage option, and while you may be familiar with it as a storage product for PCs, laptops, and computers, the Photostick Mobile is designed specifically for portable devices- namely smartphones and tablets.

This Photostick Mobile review will help you better understand what this device does, how well it works, and if it is a smart purchase or not.


Introducing the Photostick Mobile?

Anyone who has ever run out of storage space on their phone knows the value of external storage. There are memory cards and various devices that can attach to the phone or insert into it to provide more space for storing photos, videos, and other kinds of files.

The Photostick Mobile is made for storing video and image files, and it does so a bit differently than most other kinds of phone storage options. It actually finds the files for you, and you can then take those files, stored on the Photostick mobile product, and move them to another phone or tablet. You can also just keep them separated from the phone, as safe storage that can be taken anywhere.

A lot of people will simply use this Photostick as a backup device, keeping their files stored apart from the phone so that in case of flooding, water damage, hacking, or a phone virus, the photos and other files will be secure and not be lost or damaged.

Features of ThePhotostick Mobile

The Photostick mobile for android and Photo stick mobile for iPhone itself, is a small USB Flash Drive (thumb drive) device that has a USB port (for computers) on one end, and either a MicroUSB (for Androids) or a lightning port (for iPhones) on the other. This is different from the computer only version, where it only has a USB port and no ports for a mobile device.

A great feature use is that even if you don’t necessarily want or need to back up your media files on your phone, you can still use the Photostick Mobile as a quick and easy to way store your photos and videos. So, if you’re not looking for a dedicated backup device for your phones, at least you’re getting a small portable storage device for your mobiles. Who can say no to extra storage space when it’s so easy to run out of space?

Let’s explore further in this Photostick mobile review as well as other details and information in this thephotostick mobile reviews.

photostick mobile app on android phone

How does Photostick mobile work?

Photostick mobile for Android and Photostick mobile for iPhone work much like their computer/laptop counterpart; photo stick for the computer. The device itself almost works like a “plugin and play” device, with the only extra step added is downloading their photo stick mobile app off the App Store (For IOS) or from Google Play (For Androids).

So, the traditional way of backing up your data on your mobile probably consists of something such as: Going into each folder on your mobile device. Finding the files that you want to be backed up and saved. Then manually selecting each one you want, before copying or moving it into the dedicated backup folder or external storage device.

Doing all of that is already tedious on a computer, so imagine what it would be like doing that on a mobile device. You probably don’t even need to imagine, you’ve done it before and understand how much of a painful process it can be, especially if you have hundreds or even thousands of photos and videos.

That’s the beautiful thing about the Photostick mobile for Android and Photostick mobile for iPhone. You simply plug it into your phone and then hit the “Back up files” button on the free photostick mobile app that you downloaded from the App Store (For IOS) or from Google Play (For Androids).

That’s literally all there is to it. It's so simple that writing this thephotostick mobile reviews is actually a little difficult, haha. The Photostick mobile will then go through your phone for all photos and videos and then back it up into the device, helping to free up space and back up your precious memories. An Easy peasy lemon squeezy use of Photo stick mobile for iPhone.

PhotoStick Mobile Unique features

  • Do all the searching and organizing of files for you.

  • Automatically scans identify and filters duplicates so you can save on space.

  • Fast backup – thousands of image and video files in minutes.

  • Information on the USB device can be accessed on a computer.

  • Backup at your own convenience as you go on. You could store files as often as you choose.

  • No passwords or online cloud storage.

  • No knowledge of the exact files and folders is necessary.

  • It is a one-time investment.

  • It works on its own.

  • It can save you money and time.

  • It gives you tons of storage space on your device.

  • It will search and organize files on its own.

  • The data it saves can be opened on any Mac or PC.

  • You can back up your photos in a convenient way.

  • No additional costs beyond the one-time purchase.

  • You don’t have to sort or find any files or folders.

  • It gets rid of all the duplicates for you.

ThePhotoStickMobile has devices specifically tailored to work on either Android or iOS. To Read Unbiased customer reviews by The PhotoStick Mobile Customers on Facebook, Click On the Banner Below:

What is the Price of Photostick Mobile

PhotoStick is made to fit any budget and starts at only $64.99 (retail is $99.99!)

Struggling with photos is extremely frustrating. Photos hold precious memories! They should be enjoyed. The stress and frustration people feel every day dealing with smartphones and confusing applications are overwhelming. No one wants to deal with it, and sadly, this seems to be the reality for most people.

$64.99 is a small price to pay to avoid all of that.

Plus, for a limited time, when you purchase multiple units of the ThePhotostick Mobile 32, you’ll get 40% off each additional device!


PhotoStick Mobile offers a backup solution that is much-needed in this digital era, especially when you consider how much smartphones and computers are likely to fail or get lost and take with them important memories.

Its usability is outstanding – it essentially does everything for you! If you wish to protect your memories and get past the inconveniences of low storage space, cloud storage requirements, duplicate or unorganized files, and device crashes, ThePhotoStick is your ideal solution.

PhotoStick Mobile Review and Buyer’s Guide

We cannot deny the fact that both Android and iOS phones are considered essential gadgets that we should always carry with us no matter where we go or what we do. A few years had passed, every individual had difficulty in finding and using a smartphone, but these things changed in this generation. It cannot be denied that almost all of us cannot complete our daily life if we don’t have at least one mobile phone.

iOS and Android phones have a vital role in one’s life. Mobile phones will enable us to record videos, capture our photos or that of our loved ones, listen to music, and make our own working schedule. But there are still lots of things that we can do with the use of our mobile phones. We can also use our phones to browse the net and get to travel in every corner of the world. Aside from that, we can also get out of our comfort zone with the help of our smartphones.

On the other hand, mobile phones usually create lots of data as time passes by. From the pictures of your vacation trips, videos recorded during your special occasions, music to docs, all of these details are being kept in your device for its protection. But what happens if the space storage of your mobile phones fails in storing these documents after an accident, extreme weather conditions, or even a power surge?

It is very obvious that all the details you have saved on your phone will be lost in just a single click. One of the best things that you can do to ensure that your documents are protected from different unwanted situations is to make a backup. Why? A backup enables you to keep anything from songs, documents, clips, pictures, and videos in safe storage anytime you want to access them in the future. Whether you are a student or an employee, it is vital for you to make a phone backup as soon as possible.

Many individuals, who are currently working or studying, claim that making a backup is just a waste of their time and money. But the reality behind it is that it will protect the details stored in it that are important for your future access.

Not all details that are saved on your mobile phones can be replaced. For example, your songs and videos can be replaced by downloading them again, but your school or office documents cannot.


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